Well, I was reading Deception Point by Dan Brown, which is a really good book, when I came across a passage that involved using duct tape. Does that count?

Now that I think about it, this is gonna sound really, really weird.

I promise that if you read the book, it won't be.

So this astrophysicist, Corky, was standing in a motorboat. His leg was bleeding REALLY badly because these people had shot his leg multiple times. So, his motorboat was surrounded by sharks and bad guys. Hammerhead sharks and bad guys with bombs. And he had to lure them away from his friends, Rachel and Mike. But he had to stop the bleeding first. So what did he do? He wrapped his leg in duct tape! Problem solved (until he had to peel it off later, of course)!

Then the bad guys shot a bomb at him, but it missed, I think. 

But anyway... do I read weird books? 

Probably not. Okay. I'm gonna go back to reading my book about a small little man who goes on a dragon hunt with 14 or 15 other little men by way of pony.

Don't pretend that you aren't reading that book too.
7/28/2010 04:21:13 am

thats pretty epic.
but im not reading that book. nor do i have the desire to read that book.
it looks weird.

btw. i just finished wathing POTC (the first one) i love that movie so much.

and... the next situation mst involve rum.

thanks bye


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    Duct Tape and a Stick. IN REAL LIFE.

    These are the real life examples of when we have used duct tape and a stick to solve our many, many issues.
