Time for the New Original Game…


Take your best guess about which of us each characteristic belongs to!

 1.) Which cofounder… has a list of fuzzy/itchy-ear words? This list includes moist, farkle, and tufts.

 2.) Which cofounder… is terrified of all birds of every shape and size?

 3.) Which cofounder… Has a slight obsession with chewing on the sticks that suckers come on?

) Which cofounder… Puts ketchup on fishsticks?
 5.) Which cofounder(s)… Love love loves the Wizard of Oz and the Sound of Music? 

 6.) Which cofounder… Believes that ice cream should be chocolate, cake/cupcakes should be vanilla, and frosting should be chocolate?

 7.) Which cofounder… Believes that the other cofounder needs to try a chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting?

 8.) Which cofounder… Hates both pop and pizza? She has been told that that is un-American.

 9.) Which cofounder… Won’t let people climb high fences because she is afraid they will fall? She has been told that this is ridiculous.

 10.) Which cofounder… Will only eat the cereal in Lucky Charms, not the marshmallows?

 11.) Which cofounder(s)… Think that Taylor should not be so obsessed with Johnny Depp? (Hint: Both:)

take your best guess in the comments below!!!!!
7/30/2010 11:52:00 am

1. olivia
2. lexie
3. lexie (?)
4. olivia (?)
5. lexie
6. olivia
7. lexie
8. olivia
9. lexie
10. olivia (?)
11. both. you guys are too judgemental. i will now go cry myself to sleep.

just kidding.
i love you guys.
even though you dont understand me at all.
im really hurt.

oh no!
7/31/2010 03:15:02 am

im sorry taylor!

8/1/2010 06:19:07 am

9.) Lexie

And I wanted to climb that fence, too!

8/2/2010 02:13:44 am

8.) Olivia

I was there when your mom said that.
It was hilarious.

8/4/2010 07:52:43 am

This game is just a little bit predictable. Just saying.

Oh, and who else besides people you know will be able to answer these questions? You didn't even release your names in the biography!

Sorry, but I'm bored.

8/4/2010 09:00:18 am

Predictable? Taylor got 4 wrong... and not the ones you would think ;)

And Rishika, you didn't even answer all of them. So, before you call our game predictable, you should answer them. Please?

8/6/2010 11:57:09 am

which ones did i get wrong?!

it was
8/7/2010 04:23:50 am

(5 was both)


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    Welcome to BioBits.

    This is the page where we (the cofounders) write about ourselves.

    We write random factoids, you guess which of us the factoid belongs to, savvy?

    Comment! And if you find this one, comment on the situations page to recieve 450 points!